Ministry to the Sick/Homebound

Ministry to the Sick/Homebound

St. Stephen Church sends forth ministers to parishioners who cannot come to church due to illness or age to bring them the Word and the Body of Christ. The Ministers to the Sick/Homebound convey the compassion and love of the Church to these parishioners who otherwise feel abandoned and forgotten.

The ministers visit the sick and the homebound in their homes, hospitals or convalescent homes. 

  • Visit and talk to them, make them feel that they are still so much a part of the church. Bring them a copy of the church bulletin; tell them of events at the church.
  • Hold a prescribed communion service for the sick that includes gospel reading, prayers & petitions and distribution of Holy Eucharist. If possible, play church music to enhance the liturgy.
  • For the very sick, arrange for the priest to come and hear confession and anoint them.

The ministers visit the sick at home regularly on a weekly or bi-monthly basis. Holy Mass is celebrated by a St. Stephen priest in the convalescent homes on a monthly basis. The ministers respond to requests from the hospitals on an emergency basis.

St. Stephen Church celebrates a Mass for the Sick with anointing of the sick every quarter usually on the second Saturday of the month. The Mass is followed by refreshments. Details are announced in the bulletin and at the Sunday Masses.

The ministers can perform bereavement service for the people they have ministered by officiating a vigil or rosary service and assisting at the funeral Mass, etc.

The Ministers to the Sick meet for fellowship, spiritual development and discussion of ministry matters usually on the first Monday of the month.  Change of meeting date is announced.

The current list of Ministers to the Sick/Homebound:

Current list of Ministers
Estrella Alpas
Carlota Romo
Amelia Barraza
Dale Ann Torbey
Peter Dolfi
Carmen Tolentino
Celia Guerrero
Eddie Tolentino
Steve Jacek
Rita Tsui
Emma Romero

For more information about this ministry or to notify us of someone in the parish who is elderly or sick, please call Eddie or Carmen Tolentino at 323/724-1051.


Eddie and Carment Tolentino

Phone: (323) 804-8888 or (323) 724-1051

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