The death of a loved one in our life often leaves us feeling helpless and lonely. The grieving process can seem long and difficult. One of the things that weighs heavily on us is the thought of forgetting our loved one who has passed on. Offering a mass for that persons intentions is a wonderful way to remember and to honor them. It is also very helpful in the healing of our loss.
Mass intentions can be requested over the phone or by coming to the parish office. The name of the person for whom you are requesting the intention will be mentioned at the beginning of the Mass and will also be included in “The Prayers of the Faithful”.
Note: Suggested donation for a Mass intention is $10 per intention (per person).
We are more a family when we pray for one another and share in one anothers sorrows.
The Parish Office hours are
M - F from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
Saturdays Closed
Sundays Closed